Sunday, October 3, 2010

Boxing Gloves Home Boxing Workout Course Interview

Tired Of Paying For Gym Memberships You Don't Use? Best Solution How To Home Boxing

Home Boxing Workouts : Best DVD Boxing Course

Q: Tell us a little bit about the history of Home Boxing Workouts.

A: Home Boxing Workouts came about after I asked my clients what was the most challenging and enjoyable workout they had done with me. A massive majority of the replies I received said that the boxing workouts they had done, whilst hard, were still enjoyable and definitely delivered the results they were after. The other feedback I got was asking for a boxing program that they could do at home for when they couldn't make my sessions, were on the road or have moved. I had a look around on the internet and was surprised to find that there wasn't a product filling this market.
So I went about putting the exact system I use with my personal clients and groups into a DIY format that you can do at home, with or without a partner, and with or without any equipment. The end product is the Home Boxing Workouts 12 week system.

Q: What makes Boxing a better form of cardio then say, jogging?

A: Even though it sounds backwards in thinking, boxing can be very low impact. It should always be low impact on the lower body and it can be made low impact for the upper body by using the shadow boxing techniques. One of the biggest problems with running and jogging for someone who is looking to get a bit fitter an drop a few pounds is the increased risk of injury. Your weight bearing joints (think ankles, knees, hips, lower back) take a lot of strain when jogging, limiting the intensity you can train at and increasing that injury risk. Boxing on the other hand helps to strengthen these areas with little to no risk of injury. Add to that the fact that boxing is a full body workout and you have a strong combination of intensity and reduced chance of hurting yourself.

Q: Isn't all cardio the same?

A: Short answer: NO! Longer answer: The problem with most traditional cardio is that it is ineffective for losing fat, takes too long and most of the time is pretty boring. Interval training, the same type of training that Home Boxing Workouts uses, has been shown to be nine times more effective at burning fat than traditional forms of cardio. That's a big difference when you consider you are putting in the time either way! One of the biggest benefits with boxing is the after burn you will get because these workouts use your whole body and create a large metabolic response that will have your body burning fat for 24-36 hours after the session.

Q: Many of my readers are super busy - professionals who work long hours. Would Home Boxing Workouts be a suitable program for them?

A: Every one of my programs has to be time efficient. Heck, I've got three kids at home and run a business as well so I know that time is the most valuable commodity going around. If there isn't a direct benefit for an exercise you won't find it in my workouts. The Home Boxing Workouts program focuses on short and intense sessions. Even when you include the warm up, workout, cool down and stretch you are always done well under 60 minutes.

Q: Can one use a resistance training program along with Home Boxing Workouts?

A: You can, however this would be more dependent on your goals. If you want to focus on leaning up and dropping a few weight classes so to speak then I would stick to the workouts in this program. You will find that your fitness and strength will still take leaps and bounds but your waist and weight will drop down. If you want to go up a weight class or two then this gain wants to come from muscle and not fat so by adding two or three short resistance training sessions into the mix.
Q: After a few weeks of training, most trainees hit a plateau. What are some ways they can enhance their workouts to take their fitness and results to the next level?

A: When putting together the Home Boxing Workouts 12 week program this was one of the main concerns people voiced. For that reason we broke the 12 weeks into three modules of increasing difficulty and intensity. This will make sure that regardless of your starting fitness or strength level you will be able to make gradual yet significant improvements from week to week. There is no option for plateauing!!
Q: In your opinion, what is the one thing that holds people back from achieving their fitness goals?

A: 1. Not Having A Plan. 2. Not Sticking To A Plan. The old adage 'if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail' is very true. But having a plan is only half of the deal. You have to take action by implementing the plan. Someone has already done the hard work for you and taken away the trial and error
Q: Are there any additional tips you'd like to provide to my readers?

A: Always be looking for reaons and answers why you can exercise and become healtier. Life will put up a lot of barriers and we will also put up a lot of our own. Everyone gets the same 24 hours per day it's just that some people use their time a lot better and find solutions to their problems instead of always focusing on the problem. Get out there and make it happen!

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